FROSch (Fast and Robust Overlapping Schwarz)

FROSch (Fast and Robust Overlapping Schwarz) is a framework for parallel overlapping Schwarz preconditioners in Trilinos. It is designed to be used as an algebraic solver for discrete problems arising from continuum mechanical problems. The framework is part of the Trilinos package ShyLU and it offers a range of functions for the construction and combination of various Schwarz preconditioners.
The FROSch code is availble on GitHub as part of Trilinos. For more information, see About and the ShyLU user guide.
To cite FROSch, please refer to:
- FROSch: A Fast And Robust Overlapping Schwarz Domain Decomposition Preconditioner Based on Xpetra in Trilinos. Alexander Heinlein, Axel Klawonn, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, and Oliver Rheinbach, pages 176--184. Springer International Publishing, 2020. Preprint [ bib | DOI ]
- A parallel implementation of a two-level overlapping Schwarz method with energy-minimizing coarse space based on Trilinos. Alexander Heinlein, Axel Klawonn, and Oliver Rheinbach. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 38(6):C713--C747, 2016. Preprint [ bib | DOI ]
More publications related to FROSch are listed here.
Workshop on MPI, Trilinos, and FROSch within the DFG SPP2256 is coming up in September 2024
Talk 'Parallel domain decomposition for multiphysics coupling' by Oliver Rheinbach at HPCSE2024
Article about fully-coupled nonlinear chemo-mechanics problems with FROSch
Talk 'Robust, algebraic, and scalable Schwarz preconditioners with extension-based coarse spaces' by Alexander Heinlein at the 27th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods in Prague
Talk 'FROSch Preconditioners for Land Ice Simulations of Greenland and Antarctica' by Alexander Heinlein at the 20th Copper Mountain Conference On Multigrid Methods (Virtual)
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